A Great Idea, A Community, A Home

Lighthouse is unique. It is somehow a great idea, a home, and a community wrapped into one. Not everyone is able to see all sides of Lighthouse, but I have gotten the unique and very special experience of being an intern here for the past few months. Unfortunately, I am a senior in high school this year, and I have only just discovered this place. I wish I had found it earlier, but I will treasure what time I have had here.  

The ideas that come from Lighthouse are wonderful. First, everyone should learn how to write if they want to. That’s the largest idea, but there are other values that everyone wants to be a part of Lighthouse. Be kind to everyone, accept those who are different and those who are alike as you would with anyone, and one of the biggest themes of art in general: there are no bad ideas. The thought of having all these in one place is a dream, a dream come true here.

As for a home, I was stunned when I first came here. The old house is beautiful, and it's the perfect place to work on a novel, article, poem, or just to relax. However, Lighthouse, the house is not the only home that is created here. The people who work here and the laidback, but still productive, atmosphere also get lodged in your heart. There’s a warm feeling that slips through you when you forget to turn the knob to the right (or is it left?) when you walk in the door. I don’t think I’d be extremely comfortable sleeping here, mostly because of an unfortunate accident involving someone locking me inside the building for an hour, but it certainly holds the title of a home in my heart.

Lastly, the community here. One perk of this internship was that I was able to read through people’s workshop evaluations, seeing what they’ve said about this place and how they feel about it. I saw almost no negative responses, and there were plenty of people ecstatic about their love of this place. I can’t say anything to the contrary. I saw nothing but love from the Young Authors Collective to the recent Claudia Rankine talk. I really can’t wait to explore Lighthouse further, outside of being an intern.

So, those are my very brief (and probably distracted, as it’s my last day) thoughts on Lighthouse. If you’re the quiet type who gets passionate about their literary work or hobbies, or just someone who wants to join a creative, sweet and laidback community, I genuinely invite you to come. Come be a part of the idea. Experience this home. Be a part of the community.

Come to Lighthouse.

Joseph Durgan was the fall high school intern at Lighthouse. 

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