Hysterical: A Voice Finding Seminar

$75.00 Members
$85.00 Non-members

Q: When is writing bad? A: When anyone could have written it.
Q: Has anyone ever called you “too much”? Have you ever been accused of being “dramatic”? A: Good. We’ll use that.
Having a “voice” and a writing “style” is like having a fingerprint. Readers should hear your voice in their heads. A speaker (or narrator or character) can’t be “just anyone,” and in writing, "too much" is exactly enough. In this once-in-a-lifetime seminar, we’ll cover every element of style and how you can use each one to sound like you on the page. We’ll also cover concrete ways to find your voice if you’ve lost it (we’ve all lost it at some point). We’ll read voicey examples and gossip about what to steal from them. And then we’ll brainstorm and do writing exercises to make your voice so distinctive that any reader could pick it out of a police lineup.

Instructor: Elissa Bassist Learn More


Jun 08, 2024 4:00pm - 6:00pm