Lit Fest 2021 Preview: Q&A with Visiting Author Emily Rapp Black

Editor's Note: In advance of the March 13 deadline to apply for Lit Fest Advanced Workshops, we've asked the 2021 Visiting Authors for a preview of their workshop style, what they're reading, and more.

What books/movies/tv shows have fired you up lately?

The Undoing. The clothes,  the situation, the ending. Proof that a man should never underestimate a smart woman.

What are you working/currently trying to work on these days?

A pilot script based on my writing partner's debut novel and a collection of collaborative essays.

How would you describe your workshop style?

Energetic, possibly borderline aerobic, welcoming, safe, fun, rigorous

Are we living in a simulation or no?


Emily Rapp Black is teaching Advanced Weeklong Nonfiction Workshop: Mapping the Memoir. Learn more here. Apply via Submittable.