Veni, vidi, veggie

[caption id="attachment_2360" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Alas, there were no incantations (just decantations of wine)"][/caption]

I came. I saw. (I listened. I laughed). I ate fresh veggies.  (I swooned over cheese.)

Unlike the title of this blog, the Friday afternoon meeting of the Lighthouse Board and staff was not top secret at all.  I received a handful of reminders through Facebook and e-mail about this open gathering, in which it was promised that Latin and Greek would be spoken, there would be incantations, food, and wine.  Aside from the prospect of hearing ancient tongues, I was intrigued by a meeting that was supposed to last only 30 minutes, which might set a Guinness World Record for speed.

When I arrived (on time), the meeting had already started (had someone cast a spell on Lighthouse clocks? on the staff?!).  The living room and foyer of Ferril House were already packed with women and men of letters many of whom, as you might expect, are also pretty darn good with numbers.   Michael Henry (Executive Director) reviewed the Lighthouse Navigational Dashboard, a synopsis of financial status, revenue, strategic planning notes, membership and more.  Andrea Dupree (Program Director) pulled back the curtain to reveal a lovely line up of upcoming programs (no spoilers here).  All in all, we learned that fiscally speaking, Lighthouse is on ground that is increasingly solid, unlike the melt-in-my-mouth brie with caramel sauce and walnuts that I sampled afterward.

If you stayed away because the word “meeting” gives you the willies, or if “board” reminds you of “bored”, rest assured there was some zaniness.  Indeed, when it was asked why the rest of us had shown up, I couldn’t resist blurting that I had come to the hear the amply advertised Latin and Greek.  ED Michael Henry and Jay Kenny (Board Prez) and others (whose names I didn't catch because I arrived, ahem, on time) good humoredly burst into banter in these classic languages; distracted by my own giggles, I missed most of it.  Maybe they said Summam scrutemur (Let’s look at the bottom line) or Ecce potestas casei (behold the power of cheese).  No, I'm the one who still can’t get over that brie.  And the snow peas were amazingly crisp and sweet.  The gluten free crackers?  Flavorful and fabulous.

Next time there is an open Board meeting or other Lighthouse event, please come and show your face, whether or not you know Latin, Greek or your way around a financial statement.  The more the merrier! It's inspiring to rub elbows with folks from other genres and meet all the wicked (read: savvy) witches, wizards and warlocks who make magic at Lighthouse.  And, although it's a sacrifice, I promise to save you some of that sigh-inducing cheese.