Inextricable Constraint: Form as Content and Content as Form

$75.00 Members
$85.00 Non-members

In architecture, structures and their intended use are inextricably entwined in visible and invisible ways, from a hotdog shop in the shape of a hotdog, to the fluid layout of an international airport hub. In this two-hour generative workshop lead by two collaborating writers, we’ll examine contemporary poems whose form and content are entangled like the mycelium of a fungal network underground: poems whose form and content collaborate, complicate, and corroborate. We’ll look at contemporary visual (or concrete) poems, poems which enact the conditions they depict, and poems which demand to be read in multiple ways. In between close reading discussions, we’ll lead you to write into and from forms inspired by what we encounter, poems which are also inextricably yours.


Please note that this is the in-person version of the course. To register for the livestream, click here.

Diana and Cindy will be joining Lighthouse in the evening to celebrate the release of their newest books, Root Fractures and Ward Toward. Register for the in-person event here, and the online event here.

Instructor: Diana Khoi Nguyen and Cindy Juyoung Ok Learn More


May 02, 2024 3:30pm - 5:30pm